Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: United Way – Success Story!

Oct 10, 2017 | Marketing Campaign Photography

Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: United Way – Success Story!

As a Milwaukee commercial photographer, we are especially grateful for our relationship with United Way.  Throughout the year we have regular opportunities to tell the story of wonderfully giving people.  These experiences remind us that in a world where the negative gets a lot more air time than the positive, there are good people doing things to bring people together.



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The story here was about striking that work/life balance and still finding time to volunteer.  United Way had the vision to create winter care packages for those in need.  Knowing how brutal and grey the Wisconsin winters can be, they knew how little it would take to brighten someone’s day with a thoughtful gift.  But, they needed volunteers to help put these packages together.  This is where our story begins.

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We all know how challenging it can be to find the time to meet our own family’s needs.  How is there time to even think about anything extra?  Volunteering is kind of like exercise.  It seems like something you can’t fit in until you do.  Once you get in the habit, the rewards are so great you make time to do it again and again.  Such was the case for this working mom.  And she brought her family along to show them what it was all about and infuse them with the same sense of pride she had come to know so well over the years.

milwaukee commercial photographer

Working full time? Dedicate some evening time to something that is personally fulfilling.  New baby?  Bring him along!  For every reason to say “no” to volunteering, there is an equally powerful reason to say yes.

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milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

For more information on how you can help with this wonderful cause, visit United Way’s website!  They are always looking for help with their mission to Live United!

milwaukee commercial photographer