Annual Report Photography in Milwaukee
Capturing Marketing Campaign Photography is a really broad topic. Sometimes we are capturing content for a new advertising campaign, other times it is a social media initiative. In this case, we did a series of Community Impact Success Stories for Goodwill that were used in their Annual Report. Our team went on-location to visit individuals impacted directly by Goodwill’s mission to tell their side of the story. Content like this is human, intimate and shows the real face of the mission of an organization. Not hard to see why these are some of our very favorite jobs to work on. Here are some highlights of our favorite images and snippets from each story we worked on for Goodwill in 2019.
Dakota’s Story:
Since Dakota was seven years old, he has wanted to work at a library – to feel connected to the books and stories that take him to another place. Hoping to help her son achieve his dream, Dakota’s mom, reached out to Goodwill EmpowerOne and shared his hopes and aspirations with Goodwill job coaches. Through EmpowerOne, individuals with disabilities build the skills and independence needed to be successful both in employment and their community. Landing his dream job has proven to Dakota that he can set a goal and achieve it. In the future, Dakota hopes to live on his own and knows with hard work and believing in himself, he can do anything.

Keishla’s Story:
While living in Puerto Rico, Keishla graduated with degrees in forensic science and chemistry but was unable to obtain meaningful employment and was struggling to support herself. Faced with fear and limited career options after graduation, Keishla was determined to move her life forward and made the difficult decision to leave her family in Puerto Rico and move to Wisconsin for a fresh start. Since coming to work at Goodwill E-cycle, Keishla has been able to achieve her dreams of a better life–her own apartment, buying a car and continuing her English education. She is thankful for Goodwill’s support. Keishla believes in herself and wants her peers to believe in themselves. As she often says, “it’s only a matter of knowing how to handle situations in your life. The sky is the limit!”

Willie’s Story:
After being incarcerated three times, for a total of 12 years, Willie found his criminal history a barrier to achieving permanent employment. With only temporary jobs on the horizon, he didn’t have the stability he needed for his wife and growing family. Willie’s kind nature compelled him to stop and inquire about Goodwill’s services. Goodwill was pleased with Willie’s enthusiastic attitude and encouraged him to apply for a position at Goodwill Great Lakes, where Goodwill provides food service, issues uniforms, delivers mail and performs other logistic services for Sailors and Recruits at the Navy’s only boot camp. The opportunity to become a Food Service Manager came his way and was followed by tremendous support and encouragement from his coworkers and supervisors. Willie continues to improve his leadership skills through Goodwill professional development opportunities, including being a part of Goodwill’s Community Relations Council, where Willie represents Goodwill by promoting community service opportunities and educating others about the Goodwill mission.

Creighton’s Story:
Before coming to Goodwill, Creighton and his family were uncertain where his life was heading due to his intellectual disability. Through the Power of Work, Creighton is a shining example of how meaningful work has transformed his life.

Tiffany’s Story:
For someone with a criminal background, finding a path to work can be difficult. Getting an employer to take a chance is often one of the biggest barriers. For Tiffany, work was the way to independence, but the path was not easy. Being employed has given Tiffany confidence and independence in a way she has never had before in her life. Having a job is not just about the paycheck for Tiffany, it has changed the path for her and her family. As Tiffany says, “if I didn’t have Goodwill, I would have been lost.”

Bryon’s Story:
More than 20 years ago, an accident left Bryon a quadriplegic, and changed the path of his life. Determined not to let his disability define his future, Bryon went on to graduate from Marquette University with a double major in information technology and marketing. Upon graduation, Bryon enrolled in Goodwill’s AbilITy Connection program, which offered mentoring, internships, scholarships and job placement services to students with disabilities who were interested in a career in information technology. With a strong mentor, Bryon’s career flourished, and Goodwill helped to provide him with a bridge from college to the workforce. Through AbilITy Connection, Bryon got his first professional job at Northwestern Mutual. Currently, Bryon is a successful Project Manager at R&R Insurance.

Want to learn more about our Marketing Campaign Photography? Let’s talk about how we might partner with you!
Want to learn more about Goodwill? Check out their Goodwill Annual Report