Marketing Campaign Photography: Goodwill – Community Impact Report

Sep 4, 2020 | Marketing Campaign Photography

Our marketing campaign photography often gets us more deeply into a story than a standard shoot. Especially when it’s an inspiring Goodwill Community Impact Report. We always get some information on who our subject will be and what makes them unique. But, until we are there, it’s very hard to know exactly how it will play out. The best way to use the environment and to evoke the right responses are simply unknowable until we get there and start assessing.

In this case, we were meeting Donald, who is a yard attendant.  His job is to shuttle trailers from the Warehouse Docks to the Staging Areas in the Yard and to shuttle trailers between Warehouses. The reason this story is inspiring is that, due to the illness, he lost the ability to speak. Despite this, he spends most of his day outside and in the yard truck and communicates via radio. How does he accomplish this? The team developed a unique click system to help make sure Donald could continue to contribute and feel helpful.

Everyone knows Goodwill’s dedication to getting affordable clothing to those that need it. What few know about is how committed they are to getting jobs and training to those who so badly need it.

To see more of our marketing campaign photography, please check out our portfolio!

Marketing Campaign Photos Goodwill
Marketing Campaign Photos Goodwill
Marketing Campaign Photos Goodwill
Marketing Campaign Photos Goodwill
Marketing Campaign Photos Goodwill