Headshot Photography: On-Site Headshots and Hair & Makeup

Feb 21, 2020 | Professional Headshots

There are many ways we can use our headshot photography to benefit a company. A powerful combination can be on-site headshots along with a hair and makeup artist. We know that many many professionals don’t love having their photos taken and don’t feel like models. Here are some ways to make this task much less daunting.

On-site Headshot Photography

The most seamless way to update a companies look while not interrupting the day-to-business is by setting up on-site headshots. There are so many benefits to this approach. It allows us to accommodate unique timing needs and fit into busy executives schedules. Sitting for a headshot can be a 10-minute experience when it’s happening down the hall from your office. Also, it allow us to get consistent, up-to-date images of everyone. That clean, fresh look is a great way to make a first impression on potential new clients.

Finally, we work with some companies who’s teams are pretty spread out and don’t all get together very often. When they do all gather, that can be an amazing opportunity to set up on-site headshots to really take advantage of that moment when everyone is together. Also, to be mentioned, we do every other kind of corporate photography and videography, which could come in handy in those instances as well.

Hair and Makeup

It might seem completely unnecessary to consider having professional hair and makeup services for your headshot. After all, you’re no model and (especially if you’re a man) you may not feel super comfortable with someone applying makeup to your face. However, the benefits are hard to argue with. We don’t want anyone to not look or feel like themselves. We want you to look like a camera-ready version of yourself.

The hair is just a styling (not a makeover) and the makeup is light. Most hardworking professionals just need a little bit of hair-taming and, what we call, “a well-rested makeover”. Just because you work really hard doesn’t mean your headshot has to show it. We want you to look fresh and energetic for your first professional impression.

In summary, having an updated professional headshot where you look and feel your best can make a huge difference in the way you present yourself professionally to the world.

To see more of our headshot photography, please check out our portfolio!

Headshot Photography
Headshot Photography
Milwaukee Headshots
Milwaukee Headshots