by frcom | Jun 8, 2018 | Event Photography
Milwaukee Event Photographer: CHR Hansen! When CHR Hansen decided to put on their first international conference in 8 years, they called us to document it! With a magician for an MC, a flashy Brazilian VP and live polling from the audience as the night wore on, it was...
by frcom | Jun 4, 2018 | Event Photography
Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: Milwaukee Art Museum – Rashid Johnson One of the most rewarding feelings of being a Milwaukee commercial photographer is being able to support the arts in town. The Milwaukee Art Museum is the apex of art in Milwaukee and we...
by frcom | Jun 1, 2018 | Event Photography
Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: Big Gig Dress Rehearsal! Dynamic Events by David Caruso outdid themselves for the Big Gig Dress Rehearsal. Perhaps because it was the 50th anniversary of Summerfest, the world’s largest outdoor music festival, they took this...
by frcom | May 26, 2018 | Event Photography
NACE at Wisconsin Club Country Club It was another fun night with NACE and all our vendor friends! This time the gathering was at the Wisconsin Club Country Club! The Wisconsin Country Club dates back to 1927 when it was founded and named Brynwood Country Club. The...
by frcom | May 23, 2018 | Event Photography
Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: Platinum! The job of a Milwaukee commercial photographer can span a pretty big range. This night, we had a blast with one of our favorite local bands, Platinum, at Boerner Botanical Gardens as part of the Wimmer Communities Concert...
by frcom | May 22, 2018 | Event Photography
Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: KPMG at Junior Achievement As a Milwaukee commercial photographer, we are exposed to some really inspiring examples of community-wide generosity. One of the best recent examples of that is the incredible people at KPMG and the work...