Milwaukee Event Photographer:  Art In Bloom!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: Art In Bloom!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: Art In Bloom! Every year we are blown away be the talents of the local florists that come together for Milwaukee Art Museum’s Art In Bloom event. If you haven’t experienced it, you should really make time to check it out. Mark...
Milwaukee Event Photographer: MAM Artnonymous!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: MAM Artnonymous!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: MAM Artnonymous! Milwaukee Art Museum literally invited their guests to take the art off the walls at their first ever Artnonymous event. Local artists created original 12×12 pieces that guests were able to choose from as part of the...
Milwaukee Event Photographer: State of the City!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: State of the City!

Milwaukee Event Photographer: State of the City! We had an early start the other day when we covered Mayor Tom Barrett’s State of the City address for the city of Milwaukee. One of the reasons we were there extra early is we were doing photos and video for the...
Milwaukee Event Photography:  Driven to Achieve

Milwaukee Event Photography: Driven to Achieve

Milwaukee Event Photography: Driven to Achieve The Donald Driver Driven to Achieve event has become one of our favorite annual fundraisers that we get to document. The next one is coming up on March 24 and we can’t wait to be around this inspiring group once...