We are blessed to be able to do all different kinds of Milwaukee event photography. With such a wide range of clients comes a wide range of skills and services we can call on for different events. To the naked eye, this Pearls for Teen Girls annual event is equal parts networking and presentation. However, we know differently.
Covering the networking and the presentation is paramount. These are the moments that convey exactly what this is all about. However, there are other more subtle aspects to our services that are equally important.
Step and Repeat
Before any guests arrived, we were setting up our self-running social media booth. Pearls for Girls provided their own branded backdrop and they had a perfect opportunity for everyone to share the fun online.

A lot of thought goes into the small touches that make events like this so special. We document all of these choices for posterity and to see in future years which choices were made in the past.

VIP Photos
Whenever there are honorees at an event, it’s always necessary to get one or a few photos of them together. Sometimes we have to get these photos after the presentation. If necessary, we can pull that off. If we can make a plan to shoot these photos before the event, everyone prefers that. It enables the VIP’s of the event to be available to the guests after the presentation ends.

The networking portion of these events is always the most action-packed. There are old friends coming together and hugs abound. There are also great organic opportunities to get very happy of folks looking at our cameras. We always go for a balanced approach to this part of the day in terms of candid photos versus set photos.

The Presentation
The most inspiring and, thanks to Majic, the best lit part of the evening is the presentation. These are folks that are featured not only for their oration skills, but also for their stories. They are here for a reason and everyone hangs on the words they have to share.

The Ask
The reason we were all gathered, after all, was to raise funds to support this great organization. So, after the presentation inspired everyone, it was time to get the bidding paddles out. This part of the evening is almost like sports photography. It’s spontaneous and fun and the energy in the room is undeniable.

To see more of our Milwaukee event photography, please check out our portfolio.