FR Quickie – Kristin – TV Edition!

Jun 13, 2012 | Uncategorized

If you are a Front Room client, have been or will be, Kristin is your best friend and you probably don’t even know it. If you are a Front Room photographer, she is your best friend and you know it. She works super hard to make sure every image we put out there is worthy of being called a Front Room image. Turning works of art into one of a kind masterpieces is hard work, but it is also work that can be done while listening to music, radio talk shows or television. Most often, if you walk into the womb, (our digital darkroom where Kristin and Carl call home for most of the week), you will be greeted with a new television episode (or silence if everyone is listening to a different show with headphones).

So, being a television connoisseur, we had to ask what Kristin recommends to watch on those long hot summer days. (We love Netflix and Hulu!) So…here are Kristin’s recommendations.

New comedy: “Whitney” I like the witty banter and that the actors laugh.

Old comedy: “It’s Always Sunny”. It’s so funny. I love Charlie.
Reality: “The Voice” I really don’t know why…I like the mix of constants and music battles.

Reality 2: “America’s Next Top Model” I don’t watch for the girls and the drama but I love the photo shoots and Mr. Jay

Drama: “End Game” The show was originally aired in Canada, right now it is an Hulu exclusive in America and hoping this gets picked up by a network. I hope it does.
Must See: If you haven’t watched Freaks and Geeks add it to your list. Disks available on Netflix. See Seth Rogen, James Franko, Jason Segel
Waiting: I miss Wilfred and can’t wait for new ones.