Miller Park Engagement – Hilary & Nick!

Dec 26, 2012 | Uncategorized

Hilary and Nick go big or go home. They are so fun-loving that they couldn’t just have a normal engagement session. They toted three Front Roomers along with them and some of their friends to a Brewer game at Miller Park…hey, who are we to complain? Just doing what our clients want. It’s not like we are baseball fanatics or anything…okay we totally are and we had a great time. But we still were able to get some beautiful images in between brats, beers and gummy bear shots. (Yes that is a thing. Hilary taught us.)


*Disclaimer: These are not all from us. They just happened to be a pretty cool work of dedication from Brewer fans in the middle of a parking lot. We love finding art in unexpected places.

These are all from us. But we recycle.

Yes, we totally took credit for this.