Upcoming Event – Celebrate the Rose at Boerner!

May 23, 2012 | Uncategorized

Celebrating the ROSE – 2012 Herb of the Year!

Presented by the Wisconsin Unit of The Herb Society of America

Saturday, May 26th

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Parking & entrance are free.  All Classes are $5.00 each.

Rain or Shine: Inside & Out


  • VENDORS: featuring herb and restoration plants, aromatic oils, seasonings and culinary oils, soaps & lotions, free massages, natural bar and liquid soaps, jewelry, fused glass ware, quilted jackets, fiber art. silk scarves, free trade items.

Questions?  Contact Gerry, Herb Faire Chair, at 262-375-8626

Please click here for a printable event flyer & registration form

Proceeds from this fair benefit the Herb Garden at Boerner Botanical Gardens,
The Herb Garden at Old World Wisconsin, and an Herb Society granted Horticulture Scholarship.



9:30am-10:15am  CLASS  $5

Jane Hawley Stevens-WI Unit Member, owner of Four Element Herbals and 2012 recipient of the Value-Added Producers grant given by the U.S.D.A., presents “From Dream to Reality” as she speaks about the grant program and her plans to grow her business from specialty stores to grocery stores.

10:30am  DEMONSTRATION  $15 before April 28th, after $20

Cooking with Roses Demonstration
featuring Bartolotta’s Chef Felix Rosado at his 2nd Herb Faire cooking classes. Chef Felix demonstrates, as guests taste servings on china plates. Recipes will be distributed at the class. Menus: Rose Petal Salad (raisins, cucumbers, green onions, dill, mint, walnuts, rose petals (edible), Mango Rose (fresh mango, lime juice, honey and rose-water with rose petals to garnish).

11:30am  CLASS  $5

Nino Ridgway, Ph.D. Entomology, owner of Herbs & Everlastings & WI Unit Member, presents “What’s Eating my Herbs (including Roses) from aphids to Japanese beetles to spider mites. How to minimize plant damage organically”

12:30pm  CLASS  $5

Peggy Gibbs Zautke, WI Unit member & Boerner herb & rose garden horticultrist, leads a Tour of Boerner Herb Garden*.

1:00pm  DEMONSTRATION $15 before April 28th, after $20

Cooking with Roses Demonstration
(Fee: before April 28th: $15, after $20) featuring Bartolotta’s Chef Felix Rosado at his 2nd Herb Faire cooking classes. Chef Felix demonstrates, as guests taste servings on china plates. Recipes will be distributed at the class. Menus: Rose Petal Salad (raisins, cucumbers, green onions, dill, mint, walnuts, rose petals (edible), Mango Rose (fresh mango, lime juice, honey and rose-water with rose petals to garnish).

2:00pm  CLASS  $5

Mary Kleist of Creative Images Photo Club presents “Taking Photos
to get a Better Garden.

3:00pm  CLASS  $5

Bruce Barr, American Rose Society horticultural & design judge, presents “Pioneer Roses” and Barb Sylvester, President of the Greater Milwaukee Rose Society, demonstrates “How to Start a Rose from Seed”.

*Optional Herb Garden tours cost ($5.00 Boerner Gardens entry fee) unless you are a member of Boerner Gardens or reciprocating horticultural group member.

SIGNATURE DRINK: yes, it is back by popular demand! Bartolotta’s Catering
will sell a drink created specially for the Herb Fair event. It will be a Rose-type cocktail. Recipe to be created soon!

Click here to visit Wisconsin Unit of the Herb Society of America’s website.