Milwaukee Event Photographer: Pi(e) Day at Front Room!

Apr 5, 2018 | Event Photography

Milwaukee Event Photographer: Pi(e) Day at Front Room!

For many years now we have been enjoying a Pi(e) Day Party at with our extended Front Room Family! What started as a great excuse to eat pie has evolved into a pie baking contest, trivia competition, (sometimes) karaoke and this year grew to include a Pie in the Face fundraiser for the American Red Cross.

If you are not familiar, Pi Day is the annual celebration for the mathematical constant pi. That number starts with 3.14 so every March 14th, nerds around the world unite to celebrate math and eat pie. For us, it’s also our time to invite our industry friends and brides and grooms in for a rare opportunity to socialize.

This business keeps us pretty busy and takes up a fair amount of weekend time. But the documenting of moments and people has helped us forge so many wonderful friendships over years that we couldn’t imagine doing anything else. This is kind of our annual reminder of how much fun it is to do what we do.

Milwaukee Event PhotographerMilwaukee Event PhotographerBartenders on the Go surprised us with these Key Lime Pie signature cocktails and Belle Fiori showed up with beautiful flowers for us!
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Christina from Dough Much Better made both these amazing cookies and the tribute to Stephen Hawking cake. Anne from Cake Lady made the beautiful pie shown above which won the Fruit Pie category!

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Carl couldn’t resist admiring his handiwork after he delicately placed a pie atop Amanda’s head.

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Eron’s daughter Grace had been waiting a long time to smash her dad in the face with a pie. She made sure her shot was true.

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Katie, one of our brides, has celebrated her birthday with us each year we’ve been holding this shindig.  We finally got her a cake! She needed a little help from her daughter Jaelyn blowing out the candles!

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The award winning Anne smashing her boyfriend in the face with a pie!