Milwaukee Engagement Session: Heather & Charley!

Dec 15, 2017 | Amanda

Milwaukee Engagement Session: Heather & Charley!

Amanda had so much fun with Heather and Charley at their Milwaukee engagement session. They chose Boerner Botanical Gardens as the location primarily for the beautiful tulips. Of course there is so much more there to take advantage and Amanda couldn’t resist exploring the grounds to make the most of the opportunities.

milwaukee engagement sessionmilwaukee engagement session

It’s hard to believe that the gap between this beautiful May day and their December wedding is almost closed. The lead up to a wedding can be like that. One moment you have all the time in the world. The next moment you look up and the wedding is tomorrow! Amanda is almost excited as Heather and Charley for the big day to arrive.

milwaukee engagement session

We love these hedges at Boerner Botanical Gardens.  They have amazing color and texture and provide so much depth to an image.

milwaukee engagement sessionmilwaukee engagement session

These beautiful tulips were in full bloom!

milwaukee engagement session

We love the tenderness between these two. It’s not always so natural for a couple to express tenderness in front of a camera. This is one of the many reasons we love engagement session. They give a couple a chance to find their own comfort zone with each other in front of us. Of course, it’s also nice to have stunning photos to use for save the dates or for display at the wedding or in the home.  But, fundamentally, the knowledge a couple gains from this experience is a key part to being able to relax with the photos at the wedding and really enjoy every aspect of a day you’ve put so much planning and hope into.

milwaukee engagement session