by frcom | Feb 5, 2021 | Event Photography
The commercial event industry has certainly taken a hit given the state of the world. But, some venues with enough space to spread out have come up with innovative ways to approach this challenge. F-Street Group and Milwaukee Brewing Company went all out to find a way...
by Lidia Sharapova | Oct 20, 2020 | Event Photography
We are blessed to be able to do all different kinds of Milwaukee event photography. With such a wide range of clients comes a wide range of skills and services we can call on for different events. To the naked eye, this Pearls for Teen Girls annual event is equal...
by Lidia Sharapova | Sep 10, 2020 | Event Photography
We do a lot of event photography for United Way. One of our annual engagements is the Technology CIO Forum. It is always a breakfast at the Hilton City Center. The early hour of this event does not tamp down the enthusiasm the attendees bring. It’s always a...
by Lidia Sharapova | Sep 7, 2020 | Event Photography
Sometimes our event photography skews toward commercial lifestyle shoots. The difference can be as subtle as having a plan versus interpreting what you see. There are times we are tasked with finding the story amongst the chaos. Covering MSOE’s Pet Therapy...
by Lidia Sharapova | Aug 25, 2020 | Environmental Portrait Photography, Event Photography
When organizations call us for event photography, it’s generally for a big occasion. Big occasions come with busy people making time in their schedules to gather. MSOE was set to unveil their new super-computer. They recognized an opportunity to highlight a...
by frcom | Aug 20, 2020 | Event Photography
We love it when our Milwaukee Event Photography intersects with our efforts to continue to grow our business. We have recently developed a relationship with Milwaukee Metropolitan Area of Commerce (MMAC) that we are so excited about. We are meeting so many wonderful...