Milwaukee Portrait Photographer: A Front Room Family!

Mar 16, 2017 | Families

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer:  A Front Room Family!

Being a Milwaukee portrait photographer has exposed us to some really amazing kids and families.  Some of them come back regularly giving us an opportunity to see and document the incremental growth that is so easy to overlook.  Kate, Anne and Abbey have been checking in with us annually for a few years now and, from the beginning, they have thoroughly been who they are.  Each personality comes through with every shoot we get to do together.  From the very first shoot which featured Kate looking proper, Anne looking disgruntled and baby Abbey crawling off the couch, we knew personality would be on tap every time we got to see them.

MIlwaukee portrait photographer

MIlwaukee portrait photographer

MIlwaukee portrait photographer
MIlwaukee portrait photographer

Seeing adult siblings regularly at the weddings we shoot most weekends, we can’t help but think about the long view of family relationships.  These sisters are already forming the lifelong friendships that will only grow stronger over the years.  This is a little glimpse into the kinds of moments that will keep these girls by each other’s sides.  Someday, these summery outfits will be traded in for bridesmaid dresses and we hope to still be telling their story when that day comes around many, many years from now.

MIlwaukee portrait photographer

MIlwaukee portrait photographer

The past couple times we had the opportunity to be a Milwaukee portrait photographer for Kate, Anne and Abbey we went to local parks.  This time we thought we would change things up a bit and do a studio shoot.  It’s great to get out in the elements at times, but having a controlled studio atmosphere is nice, too.  It’s also nice to get some variety in their legacy collection of images throughout the years.  Where will we go next year?  It’s anybody’s guess!  All we know is we really enjoy our annual chance to hang out with this family and can’t wait for next year’s opportunity!