Milwaukee Portrait Photographer: A Family in the Studio!

May 17, 2018 | Newborn

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer: A Family in the Studio!

When Kelly was preparing for Henry’s arrival, one of the items on her long list was to call us. She wanted to make sure to get on the calendar soon after Henry’s birth to update the family photos. From her experience the first time around with Alex, she knew how quickly babies change. Those little butterball newborn photos that everyone loves so much really have to happen within the first seven to ten days! After that, the baby will start to really get stretchy and cranky instead of sleepy and cozy. This can take a bit of forethought and a ton of commitment to make it happen. Life is a whirlwind after a birth and, since sleep can be at a minimum, no one really feels like having their photo taken. But, it’s the only chance in that child’s life that you’ll ever have to make those photos. So it’s worth it!

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer

Documenting the baby’s new bond with each parent is a big part of what we are doing during a newborn shoot as well. There is something so pure and deep about love that is as fresh as a parent’s for a newborn baby.

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer

The other clear goal on the agenda is a new family photo of the whole clan. Alex looks so proud to be a big brother!

Milwaukee Portrait Photographer