by frcom | Sep 4, 2018 | Event Photography
Event Profile: Red Cross’s Annual Brave Hearts 2018 Type of Job: Commercial Portraits in Studio & Event Photography Organization: Red Cross Location: Kohl’s Innovation Center The American Red Cross of Southeast Wisconsin presents Brave Hearts, the...
by frcom | Aug 15, 2018 | Environmental Portrait Photography
Event Profile: Historic Third Ward – Plein Air Painting & Gallery Night Type of Job: Commercial Event Photography, Time Lapse Video Organization: Historic Third Ward Association Location: Various spots around Milwaukee’s Third Ward Neighborhood As...
by Front Room | Aug 3, 2018 | Lidia
Milwaukee County Historical Society Wedding: Abby & Sam! Once high school sweethearts, Sam and Abby were in Paris, France for her graduate Art History program. After three days of exploring the City of Light ring in tow, Sam proposed at the Champs du Mars, to...