Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: Junior Achievement!

Nov 13, 2016 | Uncategorized

Milwaukee Commercial Photographer: Junior Achievement!

We sometimes find ourselves marveling at the experiences being a Milwaukee commercial photographer exposes us to.  Recently, we got to tag along to tell the story of students experiencing both Junior Achievements BizTown and Finance Park.  If you’re not familiar with Junior Achievement, they “are the nation’s largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices. Junior Achievement’s programs—in the core content areas of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy—ignite the spark in young people to experience and realize the opportunities and realities of work and life in the 21st century.”  According to their website,  BizTown is where elementary school “students operate a bank, restaurant, city hall, newspaper, retail store and 10 other businesses.  Finance Park is where middle school “students are introduced to personal finance and career exploration. They receive family and income scenarios, then visit 19 businesses to purchase things like insurance, clothing, food, transportation and real estate.”

Whenever we get to work with the fine folks at Junior Achievement we are reminded that there are many jobs out there that benefit the greater community in ways you wouldn’t imagine.  These students get a taste of all the complexities of adult life and are exposed to most everything they will encounter in the years to come throughout a very hands-on day.  In addition to being each other’s bosses, co-workers, competition and security, these kids all had a lot of fun.

This “town” is set up like a little Milwaukee, with all the corporate sponsors having storefronts and offices for students to run for the day.   Amongst the corporate sponsors who deserve credit for this wonderful opportunity are:  Kohl’s, US Bank, Culvers and Pieper Power.  For a complete list and more about all the great things Junior Achievement does, check out their website.
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milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer
milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer
milwaukee commercial photographer
milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer

milwaukee commercial photographer