by frcom | Apr 13, 2018 | Environmental Portrait Photography
Produced Shoot: People at Work and Headshots for RCA The fun thing about working with companies on updating their imagery is that we are working with people to tell their own story. These are not professional models but a team that works together day in and day...
by frcom | Apr 8, 2018 | Group Photography
Milwaukee Group Photographer: BMO Harris Sometimes we get a call for something a bit more challenging than your typical commercial shoot or event photography. BMO Harris needed one panoramic photo of this group of executives. Figuring out how to arrange a group of...
by frcom | Mar 8, 2018 | Group Photography
Milwaukee Event Photographer: Milwaukee Art Museum Opening! As part of their season of travel, Milwaukee Art Museum just opened their Winslow Homer & England exhibit! According to their website, “for nearly two years, beginning in the spring of 1881, beloved...