How to Boost Your Brand with Imagery

May 5, 2017 | Tips & Advice

Boost Your Brand with Imagery : A Case Study

You can say it. But we all know from our days in elementary school that show and tell is way more fun than just tell. And more impactful. You could stand up and tell the class, I like to play basketball. And sit back down. Or you could bring in a ball, take the class down the gym and show everyone how you can do 20 layups in a row because you practiced and worked hard. Through that demonstration, the class learns more about you than just you like basketball. They see your character demonstrated in a real world way.  So they connect, they remember because they have an emotional reaction when they see you excelling at what you do. It’s no different in the adult world. In the marketplace. And that is why it’s important to boost your brand with imagery.

In this case study, Delzer, a local printer, was looking to communicate their company history, and values, to their current and future customer base. Through this shoot, we were able to boost their brand with imagery that told these stories. The stories that demonstrate what their brand is all about and the values they still exhibit as a company after years serving the community. Hard work. Quality. Service – no matter the hour or the distance.

Imagery partnered with brand messaging is a powerful combination for bolstering your brand and telling the world just what you are about, and what you can do for them. After all, isn’t that what business is all about?

Front Room captured dirty work shirts hanging in manufacturing facility in Wisconsin

Dirty work shirts hang in manufacturing plant to showcase team, hard work and state of the art facilities


Business locker room strategy session, advertising photography in Milwaukee

Locker room strategy session at Delzer in Waukesha, WI

Strategy, planning and teamwork. They have a plan to execute for their clients and a team who is ready to go to work to carry that plan to completion. They are serious and ready to work hard.

Delzer CEO returns to warehouse celebration in Wisconsin

CEO returns from an epic act of customer service and the Delzer team celebrates

This image recreates an epic moment in this company’s history where the CEO returned from traveling to fulfill a last minute desperate client need. And did so successfully. It was a big project. A big need. A big team to carry it out. And a big success for this local company. It marked a momentous occasion in their history.


Delzer team dumps confetti from Gatorade container on their boss to celebrate

Continuing the celebration in the warehouse


Delzer employee celebrates Print like a champion today company culture | photo by Front Room

Victorious employee celebrates a company win and a solid company culture

Branding is important. Storytelling is important. When you put the two together, and work with vendors that understand the importance of it all coming together seamlessly, is when you can win big. Reach the next level. Land that big client. Launch that new line.

Our culture is so image-based now that the ones you put out need to match the level of quality that your service and product achieves. If you have a great company but your branding is based on images that are stock (people can tell) or if it’s iPhone photography (people can tell). Give your brand the attention and love it deserves. Because it is the way you communicate your story to the world.

And you don’t have to spend a fortune to do that. You certainly can do a multi-day shoot using an advertising agency, models, locations and create hero shots to blow everyone away. Or you can schedule a series of smaller basic shoots over the course of time. As long as you work with a partner that gets your vision and your company, the imagery will match and give that sense of consistency and stability that shows you are a steady, trustworthy and serious brand in the industry. It is all about what is best for your company and your story.

You can see more of our brand-boosting imagery here.